With each passing year, awareness of solar energy is increasing. By supplying electricity through a clean and renewable resource, solar power minimizes your carbon impact and enables you to live a more off-grid lifestyle.

Since your house’s heating and cooling system uses more than half of the energy spent each year, switching to a solar-powered HVAC system will have the most financial and environmental benefits. We’ll dive into some of the top picks of solar heating and cooling systems for houses.

Two Different Types Of Solar Heating And Cooling Systems

Let’s discuss your alternatives for solar-powered temperature control before going over our best choices. These solar panels don’t charge at night or cloudy days because they use sunlight to create energy. To continue  cooling or heating your house when there isn’t any sunshine, your system must have a backup.

AC/DC Hybrid Systems

Hybrid systems draw power from the grid and the sun simultaneously. They operate primarily on solar energy when sunlight is abundant, but when it is scarce, they switch to your electrical grid system.

Off-Grid Battery Storage

Off-grid systems do not utilize any grid power. To function when there is no sunshine, these systems store energy in batteries during the times of the day. Off-grid systems use only solar energy and incur no expenditures related to the grid.

Our Top Picks

Let’s talk about our three top picks for solar heating and cooling systems for houses:

The Solar Air Conditioner Heat Pump From HotSpot Energy

The Solar Air Conditioner Heat Pump from HotSpot Energy can heat and chill your room while it’s sunny outside. Since it uses a hybrid energy system, it automatically switches to grid electricity in the evenings or on cloudy or overcast days to maintain constant heating and cooling.

Solar Hybrid Hi Wall Inverter Air Conditioner (Heat Pump) By GREE

Gree’s Solar Hybrid Hi Wall Inverter Air Conditioner (Heat Pump), another hybrid energy system, uses just sunlight solar power (when available) to heat and chill your house.

100% Off-Grid Solar Air Conditioner From SolarAir World

The 100% Off-Grid Solar Air Conditioner from SolarAir World is ideal for you if you wish to switch to a solar heating and cooling system that is totally off the electrical grid.

We Can Assist!

Online Air and Solar, an Australian-owned solar power, heating, and cooling company, was founded in 2012 and has since offered client satisfaction. Get in touch with our Online Air and Solar professionals if you need help!

The most effective and reliable heating and cooling systems in Melbourne are split systems. They are economical, effective, and practical. A split system will probably meet your needs for whatever room you need to chill or heat, whether you want to heat your house or office.

After selecting and purchasing your system, you should ensure that it is installed properly and performing as it should. Installing a split system involves a specialized procedure. Making the ideal heating and cooling installation service selection is essential if you want to ensure that it is done correctly.

Experience And Licensing

You want to work with licenced specialists. If they are qualified to install a split system, you want to be aware of that. This implies that you will probably also be protected if things go wrong. Even though it won’t happen frequently, there is still a chance.

But it goes beyond merely having the appropriate licencing. You should check the amount of experience of the heating and cooling specialist before hiring them.

A qualified HVAC technician will want you to know their training and credentials. You can trust that their credentials are legitimate because they will post these certifications on their website. Therefore, be sure to visit their websites.

Reviews, Ratings, References, And Recommendations

The next step is finding out what prior clients have to say about a heating and cooling service in Melbourne. Examine the reviews for them on Google Business Listing and other websites.

Depending on the intricacy of your installation needs, you might also want to request client references and testimonials.

Need Support?

No matter the weather, Online Air and Solar have you covered! With Online Air and Solar, Melbourne’s premier heating and cooling maintenance & installing company, you can now have complete control over your indoor temperature. We are here to make your Melbourne home warm all year round in a city with such fickle weather! Get in touch with our experts at Online Air and Solar for further details.

It goes without saying that installing a heating and cooling system in a house is expensive. More than any other “system” in the house, heating and cooling expenses, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, account for around 30% of the typical residential energy bill.

While there are many ways to reduce these costs, installing an effective heating and cooling system in your house is one efficient measure you can take. Even though it requires an initial investment, you will save money in the long run since an effective heating and cooling system uses less energy, resulting in cheaper heating and cooling costs.

What Affects The Efficiency Of Your Heating And Cooling System?

Naturally, it helps to understand what constitutes “efficient” so that you will know what to look for while searching for one or trying to assess the efficiency of your current system. The weather directly impacts the efficiency of a heating and cooling system.

How Can I Pick An Efficient Heating System?

Some residences are equipped with electric heating systems, while others are natural gas-equipped. However, choosing a heating system with a high AFUE rating is only one aspect of selecting the most effective and efficient heating system for your house. Additionally, you need to pick one that works with the energy source in your house.

How Can I Pick An Efficient Heating System?

Any cooling system you use or decide to install in your house requires upkeep. Your cooling system will operate more effectively and provide a comfortable place if it receives regular maintenance. Consider your house’s location when choosing an efficient cooling system. Is the weather close to your house dry, chilly, or humid? With the help of this knowledge, you’ll be able to pick an efficient system in your house and cut your energy bills.

Each cooling system has advantages and disadvantages. We advise you to learn more about the cooling system you intend to install in your house. According to a professional’s advice, your cooling systems may need to be connected to solar panels or inverter systems.

We Can Help!

By selecting Online Air and Solar for the installation of solar panels and battery storage, you can supply your property with clean energy. Our CEC accredited installers specialize in installing nearly any system capacity to increase your home’s thermal comfort and save energy expenses, including heating and cooling systems, batteries, and residential and commercial solar panels.