Victorian Government recently announced a rebate under Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program that will help around 250,000 households in improving their thermal comfort. Eligible homeowners will receive a $1,000 rebate to upgrade their gas heaters, electric heaters, wood heaters, and no heating with an energy-efficient reverse cycle split system.

This program to some extent covers the cost involved in replacing your existing heating system or upgrading the home switchboard. Online Air and Solar is proud to be an approved supplier for the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program and will help you get a rebate to improve your quality of life and reduce harmful emissions, thereby paving a future for renewable energy. 

Solar Victoria

Split System Air Conditioner Reward Promotion

Under this government-run rebate program, eligible households will:
Receive a $1,000 rebate on the cost of a new split system reverse cycle air conditioner.

Additional $200 rebate on costs of decommissioning an outdated room gas heater.

Also, $500 to cover the costs of upgrading your switchboard for a split system air conditioner.

This means, in total, you’ll be eligible for up to $1700 rebate on a new split system air conditioner unit and installation.

Who Can Apply For A Rebate- Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for this program, homeowners need to:

  • Replace an existing gas, electric, wood heater or no heating with new energy-efficient reverse-cycle split system air conditioner.
  • Install a reverse-cycle split system from the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program  approved products listed by an approved HHCUP supplier.
  • Be a self-owned household with an approved concession card, or with a household income of less than $90,000.

Applications for the rebate can be made through the official Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades website by visiting To learn more about the application process or how an energy-efficient reverse-cycle air conditioner can benefit your home, talk to our CEC accredited installers at Online Air and Solar. 

We have a wide catalogue of single and multi-head energy efficient split systems from leading brands. No matter, what your heating and cooling needs are, or how much your budget is, we’ll work collaboratively to improve your thermal comfort and help you get the applicable rebates.

Please fill in the form below if you have any questions. We will get back to you asap.


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